Battling An Addiction? 4 Signs It’s Time To Check In To A Substance Abuse Facility

If you use recreational drugs and they're interfering with your life, you need to seek help from a substance abuse facility. Unfortunately, it's not always easy to know when you've reached that point in your life. In fact, if you're suffering from an addiction, you might not even realize that you have a problem. However, if you've reached a point in your addiction, where you're realizing the problem, it's time to get help. If you're still not sure, here are four signs that you're in need of professional help. Take a look at the list below. If you recognize any of these signs, it's time to get help with your addiction.

It's Taking More to Get You High

One of the problems with addiction, is that you build up a tolerance over time. The more drugs you use, and the longer you use them, the more drugs you need to reach that high. Unfortunately, the more drugs you use to reach that high, the closer you get to an overdose. If it's taking more drugs to get you high, you need help. Don't risk an overdose. Contact a substance abuse facility near you.

Your Relationships Are Suffering

Take a look around you. If your relationships are suffering as a result of your addiction, you're going to need professional help. You can't get through this alone. Unfortunately, drug addiction often causes you to act in ways that alienate the people who mean the most to you. If your friends and family members have distanced themselves from you, and the only people remaining in your circle are other addicts, it's time for a treatment center.

You're Losing Track of Time

Drug use can cause you to lose track of time. During drug use, you can lapse in and out of consciousness. As a result, you may forget what day it is, or even go into a drug-induced stupor and not wake up for several days. If you're losing track of time, or you're forgetting what day it is on a regular basis, don't wait. Call for help.

You're Facing Criminal Charges

If your drug problems have resulted in legal problems, especially criminal charges, the time has come for you to seek professional help with your addiction. Don't wait for the judge to order you into treatment. Instead, find a substance abuse treatment facility like Ascent Behavioral Health Services near you, and begin your treatment as soon as possible. You'll be able to begin your road to recovery quicker.
