Protect Your Hearing With These Tasks

Hearing is a sense many people think will naturally start to fade with age. Even if you are self-conscious about your hearing because family members have hearing loss or you just don't want to start having problems, you might not believe anything can be done. Luckily, there are tangible things--like those below--you can be doing to stave off any loss of hearing or prevent further damage. 

Avoid Earbuds

Earbuds have been the trendy way to listen to your music, books, and other media privately or on the go. However, because the bud is tucked into the ear, it's rather easy to still hear the sounds of life continuing around you. On a busy bus or a lively living room, you're probably inclined to raise the volume until you only hear what you're trying to listen to. That level could be too high for your ears; if you find you do that all the time, realize you could be harming your ears. Instead, avoid buds and select headphone models that encapsulate your ears so that you never need to boost the volume beyond safe levels.

Use Plugs

Concerts, construction sounds, and other high decibel noise situations can be damaging to eardrums. To be serious about protecting your hearing, you may not be able to cover your ears with your hands, but you can utilize plugs for these times. You can keep them in a purse or a jacket pocket if you expect that you'll be exposed to great amounts of noise for some time. If you think they fit oddly or they seem too large, you might purchase a customized pair that will stay put.

Take Magnesium

The idea that you can take supplements for hearing may seem bizarre, but that could be a real option. One scientific study concluded that supplementing with the element magnesium may reduce chances of permanent hearing loss due to noise. Of course, your doctor should be told of any supplementation you're interested in so they can alert you if there are any reasons you shouldn't use them.

Get Hearing Tests

Just as you go in for physicals, dental exams, or eye exams, start adding hearing tests to the regular health visits you make. An audiology center, such as Desert Knolls Hearing Center, can analyze your current hearing and tell you whether ear wax could be problematic and other relevant details. 

Hearing is a sense that can be protected. With hearing tests and the other suggestions here, your hearing ability can last. 
