Trying To Quit Smoking? Get Help From Your Family Doctor

Trying to quit smoking can be a challenge. In fact, many smokers who are successfully able to put this unhealthy habit behind them try several times to quit before they're able to butt out for good. Whether you're trying to go cold turkey, using nicotine replacement products such as chewing gum, or looking for another method of quitting, it can help to have a professional in your corner. You might not think of going to your family doctor when you're trying to make this positive change in your life, but the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention note that even a short visit with your doctor can boost your likelihood of quitting. Here are some ways that your family doctor will be an asset:

Helping To Incentivize You

Because trying to quit smoking can be challenging, it's easy to get discouraged. This can especially be true if you look around at other smokers you know and it appears as though they're healthy — many people have thought something such as, "Grandpa lived until his 90s and smoked for 70 years. Why should I quit?" Your family doctor can help you through this period of doubt by giving you a dose of reality. He or she can quickly outline all of the health issues that smoking can cause to help show you that you're on the right track with wanting to quit.

Discussing Helpful Methods

There are many different paths that you can take when it comes to quitting smoking, and it may feel daunting to select the best one. Your family doctor has almost certainly helped other patients on this journey, so he or she can likely give you some options for things that have worked well with others. Additionally, because your family doctor likely knows you well, he or she can suggest a method that is in alignment with who you are. For example, if the doctor knows that you have a high degree of self-discipline, he or she may advocate going cold turkey.

Providing Some Encouragement

It can occasionally feel lonely trying to quit smoking, especially if your spouse still smokes and you have several friends who do, too. A family doctor can always play an encouraging role, telling you that you're doing well and cheering you on toward your goal. The doctor will also tell you to keep your head up if you had an urge to smoke and puffed a friend's cigarette a few times, and put such slip-ups into perspective so that you don't get feeling too down.

Contact a medical office like Port City Pediatrics for more information and assistance. 
