Need A Pediatrician For Your Newborn On The Way? What To Know

If you are getting ready to have a baby and you aren't sure which pediatrician will be the best and what professional you want to trust with the care of your infant, there are some important things that you want to consider. You want to see a specialist that cares primarily for pediatric patients, and you want to find a professional that has studied and stayed up to date with the latest practices and information. Here are some of the things that you want to think about.

Know the Difference Between FAAP and ABFM Accreditations  

If there is the FAAP abbreviation next to the pediatrician's name, this means that they have completed all necessary requirements to practice providing child healthcare. The ABFM accreditation means that they are recognized by the American Board of Family Medicine to treat people of all ages, but they don't have specialized pediatric training.

Find Out Vaccination Policies

Talk with the pediatrician about their policies with vaccinations. You want a pediatrician that doesn't accept patients that aren't vaccinated and that follow the recommended timeline for vaccinations. You want to know that all of the kids coming in and out of the office are vaccinated properly to promote the health and safety of your own child. You want to know your child is vaccinated properly so they are as protected as they can be.

Look at the Practice Size

Even if you are seeing a physician who is in a large practice, you want to know that your pediatrician will put your child first. Find out how many doctors are in the practice, how many people you could see if there was a time your child was sick and couldn't get into your regular pediatrician, and if you have the risk of being exposed to several different pediatricians. The office may also have nurse practitioners that you could have to see.

Word of mouth is a great way to find out more information about a pediatrician that you are thinking of using that you may take your infant to see for their first appointment. Talk with the other moms in the area to see who they have used, who they like, who they suggest you don't use, and what other options you may want to look into. After meeting with a couple of pediatricians, you may be able to find one that works for you and your needs.
