Three Tips For First-Time Cryotherapy Clients

If you're athletic, you don't have to look far to hear someone talking about how cryotherapy has benefited him or her. Whether it's a professional athlete talking about using cryotherapy to recover from an injury or a marathon enthusiast in your community using this cold therapy to heal between grueling workouts, many people who are active believe in the power of cryotherapy. All of this talk may make you curious to try it out, which you can do at your local cryotherapy center. As you get ready for your first appointment, here are three tips to remember.

Keep Your Sessions Short

Different cryotherapy clinics recommend different durations for people based on a variety of criteria. It's a good idea to let the person assisting you know that you're a first-time client so that you can discuss the best option for the length of your session. Getting into a subzero chamber isn't something that you can prepare for without having done it, and a longer session—even if it benefits your health—may seem a little difficult for a novice. Plan for a short session for your first and perhaps some subsequent sessions until you get more accustomed to the cold.

Have A Specific Goal

While you might feel compelled to try cryotherapy just because other people have recommended it to you, it's generally a good idea to do so with a specific goal in mind. For example, you might have a health complaint such as sore muscles, and you feel that cryotherapy will help you to feel better. Having a specific goal gives you the ability to track how cryotherapy is helping you. For example, you'll ideally notice that your muscles feel better after a session.

Don't Be Afraid To Take A Break

The shock to your body once you step into the cryotherapy chamber can be significant. Even if you're having a short session, the idea of remaining inside the chamber for the entirety of the session could initially feel daunting. Don't ever be afraid of asking the technician assisting you to have a break. For example, if you're planning on a two-minute session, getting out after a minute and taking a break before you get back in may be suitable for you early on.

By adopting these tips during your first visit to the local cryotherapy clinic, you'll get more out of the experience, and the shock of the cold won't be as difficult—and this can compel you to continue to visit more in the future.
