Why Choose Direct Primary Care?

Healthcare costs are one of the leading causes of debt. It's expensive to seek medical care, especially if you don't have insurance. Medicare allows people with low income to visit the doctor or hospital free of charge, but many families find themselves making just slightly too much money to take advantage of these benefits. If you can't afford insurance, you'll be happy to know there's another option available to you. Direct primary care offers an alternative to high insurance payments. Here are three reasons you should switch to this model of health coverage:

1. Save money.

The cost of insurance can be prohibitively expensive. This is especially true of anyone in a large family. When you factor in your copay, it can seem financially impossible to go to the doctor. When you enroll in direct primary care, you pay a monthly membership fee directly to your doctor. In exchange for this fee, they will provide you with annual checkups, doctor's appointments when you're sick, and vaccinations. This can save you a lot of money over time.

2. Build a strong relationship with your doctors.

It's important that you feel comfortable with your doctor. Good rapport encourage openness and honesty, which will allow you to receive the care you need. Direct primary care ensures that you will always go to the same doctor's office for your medical needs. This allows you to build a strong relationship with your doctors over the years. Many people find this preferable to the impersonal nature of some doctor-patient interactions.

3. Use it in conjunction with your insurance plan.

Many people choose to use direct primary care as a substitute for insurance, but you don't need to use it that way. If you'd like to keep an insurance plan for backup, that's perfectly fine. Your direct primary care will cover all of the everyday health concerns you might have, but you may still want emergency insurance coverage in case you need to go to the hospital. When you have direct primary care, you don't need to worry about selecting a plan with a low copay or deductible, since you will only need to rely on it in case of a crisis.

If you're tired of giving your insurance company the majority of your money, it may be time to look into alternatives. Direct primary care can serve your needs and allow you to get excellent medical care without paying exorbitant costs.
