More Than Medicine: 3 Non-Pharmaceutical Therapies For Autoimmune Conditions

Autoimmune diseases are a complex group of conditions that share a common characteristic: your body's immune system begins to attack some of your body's own tissues. This leads to an array of symptoms, which typically include inflammation and fatigue, along with other symptoms specific to the particular diagnosis. Medications like corticosteroids and NSAIDS are can give you a lot of relief, but they don't always alleviate symptoms entirely. If you're still experiencing some of what doctors call "breakthrough symptoms," then you may want to incorporate some of these non-pharmaceutical therapies into your routine.

Dietary Counseling

The foods you eat can have a profound impact on the function of your immune system. Some foods, like white flour and sugar, can make autoimmune disease symptoms worse. Other foods, like fresh veggies, can help ease your symptoms. Since modifying your diet can be complicated, it is a good idea to meet with a licensed dietitian for help creating and following an eating plan that will ease your autoimmune symptoms. Be prepared to have to limit foods you love and get creative with your meals. This can be challenging at first, but once you see the benefits, the effort will be worth it.


The suggestion that simply sitting still and letting your thoughts go could ease your symptoms might sound strange and unlikely at first. But consider this: stress makes autoimmune diseases a lot worse, and meditation is excellent relief for stress. You can practice any type of meditation you like. Download a transcendental meditation video, and follow along — or just sit quietly and listen to calming music for 15 minutes each morning. Praying can have a similar effect if you are religious. Whenever you feel stress building up throughout the day, take a quick meditation break, and then get back to work or life.


Acupuncture is considered an alternative therapy and there is not a whole lot of hard scientific evidence to support its effectiveness — but there are so many stories from people who find it beneficial, and it does have a long history in Chinese culture. The tiny needles that are inserted into your skin change the flow of energy through the body. It is thought that this can impact nerve impulses related to stress and pain, which could help ease your autoimmune symptoms.

Medications are wonderful for managing autoimmune diseases, but taking a more integrated approach is wise. Talk to your doctor to learn more about your autoimmune disease therapy options.
