When Pain Relievers No Longer Keep Your Ankle Arthritis Under Control

In the early stages of ankle arthritis, you can usually pop a few pain relievers as needed, stretch a little, and more or less keep your pain under control. However, some cases of arthritis reach a stage at which they can no longer be managed with these measures. If your ankle has been more painful lately and pain relievers are not helping, here are some other treatments to consider.

A Brace

Ankle braces are often used by those with ankle injuries to stabilize the joint. They can be a good short-term solution for patients with ankle arthritis, too. A thick brace that fits over the ankle will keep you from bending the joint too much, which will reduce the amount of friction the joint experiences, thereby helping to alleviate the inflammation and pain. You can put the brace on in the morning and take it off at night. Most pharmacies sell ankle braces; they're adjustable, so there is no need to get a custom one.

Cortisone Injections

Another option is to visit your podiatrist or orthopedic doctor for a cortisone injection. This injection will be given right in the painful ankle joint. It's not a comfortable process, but within a day or two of the shot, your ankle will be a lot more comfortable. Cortisone is a steroid, and it works by reducing the inflammation in the joint. Since inflammation is at the heart of most arthritis pain, cortisone is very effective for moderate arthritis. It will be less effective if your arthritis has reached the "severe" stage at which most of the cartilage has been worn away. Patients typically need cortisone injections every 2 - 3 months to keep comfortable.

Fusion Surgery

If your arthritis is at the stage where most cartilage has worn away, then you may want to go in for a procedure called fusion surgery. In this surgery, which is generally performed by an orthopedic doctor, the two bones that form your ankle are fused together. This alleviates pain since the bones are no longer sliding past one another. You will lose mobility in your ankle, which means more intense physical activity like running and climbing will be off the table, but you will be able to walk pain-free after a few months of rest and physical therapy.

Ankle arthritis can be quite debilitating because you use your ankles constantly as you walk! Talk to your doctor about these ankle arthritis treatment options when pain relievers alone stop working.
