Choosing The Right Time For Your Knee Replacement Surgery

Most people assume that once their knee pain becomes unmanageable, they will have a knee replacement. But your level of pain is actually only one of several things you need to consider when timing your knee replacement. Here are the factors you need to weigh as you schedule your surgery.


There are two ways in which you must think about safety when it comes to knee replacement. If you feel unsafe because of your struggling to get around, then this is a sign you should have knee replacement soon. A new knee will make it easier for you to walk around — at least once you're recovered — so you will be at a lower risk of falling and injuring yourself.

You also have to consider your safety after surgery. You'll need to be in bed for a couple of weeks post-surgery, and even after that, you'll have to slowly ease yourself back into walking. Make sure you have someone who can stay with you and take care of you for at least three or four weeks post-surgery in order to keep you safe. Don't schedule your surgery until you're confident you have this support.


Health insurance generally covers knee replacement surgery, but there may be some cost to you as the patient. Reach out to your doctor and your insurance company to figure out exactly what those costs will be. Then, make sure you have a way to afford them. If you need to cash out a certain bond or investment, this may take a week or two, so make sure you plan ahead. Move money into the right accounts or construct a payment plan. You don't want to be sitting in bed with a healing knee, trying to figure out how you'll pay a bill. Do this in advance.

Access to Physical Therapy

After a knee replacement, you will need a few months of physical therapy to get your knee moving properly again. Make sure you have a way to get to the physical therapist's office since at least for the first few weeks, you will not be able to drive yourself. Alternatively, you can see if there is a mobile physical therapy service that can send a therapist to your home. Don't schedule your procedure until you've handled these logistics.

Once you've accounted for safety, physical therapy, and cost, you can schedule your knee replacement. For more information, contact a knee replacement surgery clinic.
