Can You Get Stitches at Urgent Care?

If you are cut or injured and bleeding, you may need stitches. Stitches close up the wound and help to prevent infection. You may be wondering if you can get stitches at urgent care.

The short answer is yes, you can get stitches at urgent care. Urgent care centers are equipped to handle minor injuries and lacerations. Here's how it works.

A Nurse Will Look at Your Wound

When you come into the urgent care center, a triage nurse will assess your wound. If it is determined that you need stitches, a doctor or nurse practitioner will see you. If you don't need stitches, the nurse will clean and close the wound with medical tape.

You May Need a Local Anesthetic

If you do need stitches, the doctor or nurse practitioner will numb the area around the wound with a local anesthetic. This will help to minimize any discomfort you may feel during the stitching process.

Your doctor or nurse will also clean the area to prevent an infection. This is a fast process that should not be painful.

The Doctor or Nurse Will Close the Wound

Once the area is numb, the doctor or nurse will close the wound with stitches. The number of stitches you need will depend on the size and depth of your wound.

The process of stitching a wound is not painful, but you may feel some pressure. It's not an especially slow process, but it can be uncomfortable.

You May Get a Tetanus Shot

If you've never had a tetanus shot or it has been many years since your last shot, you may need a booster shot. Tetanus is a serious infection that can cause muscle spasms and paralysis.

Your Wound Will Be Bandaged

After your wound is stitched, it will be bandaged. You'll get directions on how to care for your wound. The bandage will need to be changed regularly.

You'll Need to Follow Up

Most wounds that require stitches heal without complications. However, it's important to follow up with your doctor or nurse to make sure the wound is healing properly. This also prevents further issues like scars and infections.

Contact Urgent Care If You Aren't Sure

If you're not sure if your wound needs stitches, it's always best to err on the side of caution and go to urgent care. The staff will assess your wound and ensure that you get the treatment you need to avoid scarring and infection.

Reach out to an urgent care service such as Fuller Family Medicine to find out more.
