Can You Get Stitches at Urgent Care?

If you are cut or injured and bleeding, you may need stitches. Stitches close up the wound and help to prevent infection. You may be wondering if you can get stitches at urgent care. The short answer is yes, you can get stitches at urgent care. Urgent care centers are equipped to handle minor injuries and lacerations. Here's how it works. A Nurse Will Look at Your Wound When you come into the urgent care center, a triage nurse will assess your wound. Read More 

Ask Questions Before You Choose A New PCP

Your primary care physician is the first person you see when you are ill, have medical questions, or just need a checkup. Hopefully, you have a good relationship with them, because it's really important for you to be able to trust your physician. That's why it can be so upsetting when your PCP leaves their practice and you have to find a new doctor. Finding a new doctor isn't always easy, because there are a lot of things that you have to check, including whether or not the doctor takes your insurance. Read More 

More Effectively Managing Your Allergies

Allergies can be a common health problem that can greatly impact a person's overall comfort and quality of life. While there are strategies and options to help a patient better manage many of their allergy symptoms, individuals will often fail to appreciate that this is an option. As a result, they may not follow the best practices when it comes to allergy management and mitigation. Track Potential Triggers For Your Allergies Read More 

Pediatric Gastroenterology Specialty Centers Help The Whole Family

Dealing with a gastric or gastroenteric disorder is difficult enough for an adult, but for a child, it can be scary and isolating. Working with the child's regular doctor is very helpful, but there can be more progress with the healing and treatment when specialists are involved. Medical centers that specialize in pediatric gastroenterology can help the child deal with not only the physical issues, but the emotional issues that derive from the process of being ill and undergoing treatment. Read More 

Benefits Of Regular Drug And Alcohol Testing In The Workplace

Job seekers are often required to undergo drug and alcohol screening as part of the pre-employment process. Often employers make this test compulsory for individuals who are applying for certain positions in their company. Drug testing may be compulsory to ensure the employees are fit and in a position to discharge their duties effectively. While some employers hire internal medical staff to conduct this test, others prefer to work with external drug testing service providers. Read More